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Basics of Astrology

Basics of Astrology – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt 

Bhachakra (the twelve signs zodiac) revolves on its axis once in a day from east to west. The half zodiac commencing from the 7th cusp till the 1st cusp is called the visible zodiac. The half zodiac commencing from lagna cusp till the 7th cusp is called the invisible zodiac.

Kalapurusha (Time personified) and his organs .— His head is represented by Aries, his face by Taurus, his arms by Gemini, his heart by Cancer, his stomach by Leo, his waist by virgo, his navel part by Libra, his secret organs by Scorpio, his thighs by Sagittarius, his legs by Capricorn, his ankle by Aquarius and his feet by Pisces. Kalapurusha’s soul is represented by the Sun, his mind by the Moon, his strength by Mars, his speech by Mercury, his knowledge and happiness by Jupiter, his sensual love by Venus and his misery by Saturn.astrology

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Regarding planets: – The Sun and the Moon are kings, Jupiter and Venus are the Ministers, Mars is the Commander-in chief, Mercury is the Prince and Saturn is the Servant.

The Sun and the Moon are called luminaries (lights emitting planets). Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are called Tara grahas (planets visible in the form of stars), Rahu and Kethu are Chaya grahas (shadowy planets).

The Sun, the dark Moon (from the 10th day of the dark Moon days till the 5th day of the full Moon days), Mars, Mercury in combination with natural malefics, Saturn Rahu and Kethu are natural malefics. The Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are natural benefics.

Jupiter and Venus are Brahmins. The Sun and Mars are Kshatriyas, Moon and Mercury is Vaisyas. Saturn is the representative of Sudras, Rahu and Kethu represent degraded castes or outcastes. Mercury, Saturn and Kethu represent eunuchs. The Moon, Venus and Rahu represent female sex. The Sun Mars and Jupiter represent male sex.

Take the Sun as dark red in colour, Moon as white, Mars as light red, Mercury as dark green, Jupiter as gold, Venus as white, Saturn as coal black, Rahu as ordinary black and Kethu as black with all mixed colours.

Jupiter and Mercury in the lagna, Moon and Venus in the 4th house. Saturn in the 7th and Sun and Mars in the 10th are powerful in directional strength.

The Sun represents east, Venus for South East, Mars for South, Rahu for South West, Saturn for west, Moon for North West, Mercury for North and Jupiter for North East.

Moolatrikona sign is independent and strong in effecting the results of the lordship of a planet over that sign. Leo is the Sun’s own sign and also Moolatrikona sign. He took his exaltation (Ucha) in Aries in his own upatara (27 divisions of a star in proportion of the triplicate dasas of vimshottarl). In Leo from Zero to 20 degrees portion is his Moolatrikona and the remaining portion is his own, Cancer is Moon’s Moolatrikona sign. She took her exaltation in Taurus in her own upatara. From 1°-43′ (Mars upatara) to 30° in Taurus is her Moolatrikona portion. Aries is Mars’ Moolatrikona sign and also own sign. From zero to 12° portion is his Moolatrikona and the remaining portion is his own. He took his exaltation in Capricorn and in his own upatara. Scorpio is his own sign. Mercury’s Moolatrikena and own sign is Gemini. In Gemini from zero to 20 degrees portion is his Moolatrikona and the remaining portion is his own. His another own sign is virgo. He took his exaltation in Leo in his own upatara. Sagittarius is Jupiter’s Moolatrikona sign and also his own sign. In Sagittarius from zero to 10th degree portion is his Moola-trikona and the remaining portion is his own. Pisces is his other own sign. He took his exaltation in Cancer in his own Upatara. Libra is the Moolatrikona and own sign of Venus. In Libra from Zero to 15th degree portion is his Moolatrikona and the remaining half is his own. His other own sign is Taurus. He took his exaltation in Pisces in his own Upatara. Aquarius is Saturn’s Moolatrikona sign and also his own sign. From Zero to 20 degrees portion is his Moolatrikona and the remaining portion is his own. He took his exaltation in Libra in his own Upatara. Capricorn is his other own sign. In Virgo from Zero to 15 degrees portion is the Moola-trikona of Rahu and the remaining half is his own. Capricorn is his other own house. Rahu took his exaltation in Taurus in his own Upatara, in Pisces from 16 degrees to 30 degrees portion is Kethu’s Moolatrikona and the remaining first half is his own. His other own sign is Cancer. Kethu took his exaltation in Scorpio in his own Upatara.

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Planets’ ruling desa periods :— According to Vimshottari system the major dasa period allotted to the Sun is 6 years, to the Moon 10 years, to Mars 7 years, to Rahu 18 years, to Jupiter 16 years, to Saturn 19 years, to Mercury 17 years, to Kethu 7 years and to Venus 20 years. See the Panchanga (Almanac). At the time of birth when the Moon is moving in (1) Krittika, Uttara and Uttarashadha stars, the ruling dasa will be Sun’s period (2) Rohini, Hasta and Sravana the ruling dasa will be Moon’s period (3) Mrugasira, Chitta and Dhanishta the ruling dasa will be Mars’ period (4) Arudra, Swati and Satabhisha the ruling dasa will be Rahu’s period (5) Punarvasu, Visakha and Poorvabhadra the ruling dasa will be Jupiter’s period (6) Pushyami, Auuradha and Uttarabhadra the ruling dasa will be Saturn’s period (7) Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revati the ruling dasa will be Mercury’s period (8) Aswani, Makha and Moola, the ruling dasa will be Kethu’s period (9) Bharani, Poorwaphalguni and Poorwashadha, the ruling dasa will be Venus’ period.

Basics of Astrology – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt 

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