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Beriberi— Jyotish Tutorial

Beri-Beri is a disease due to defficiency of the antineuritic vitamin. Sixth house, Kanya rasi and Venus rule this disease. Affliction of sixth house, lord of sixth house, Kanya- rasi and Venus , their situation in evil houses, conjunction  with, malefics and evil lords, aspect of malefics and evil lords over them and their relation with disease inflicting house or planet work for giving rise to this disease. When, malefic Venus afflicts the sixth house , lord of sixth house or Kanya rasi and also she herself be afflicted, she gives rise to beriberi. When malefics pass over sixth house lord of sixth house, Kanya rasi and  Venus in transit, beriberi  may appear. Lagna lord of lagna and lagna karaka Sun are also important factors in this disease and when these are afflicted by malefics or by malefic Venus, they ,also work for this disease along with the houses and planets ruling the same. Rahu rules epidemic and when Rahu be in any way connected with the combination of disease, it brings the sufferings from epidemic.

Example No, 89.

LagnaKanya ; Saturn and Rahu in Kanya ; Mars and Moon in Brisha ; Ketu In Tula ; Jupiter in Brischika ; Venus and Mercury in Dhanu ;  Sun in Makara.

This is a case of beri-beri. The person suffered twice from the same.


The reasons for the disease are :-

  1. Venus, karaka, is with lord of lagna aspected by Mars, lord of the eighth, house and also by Rahu from eighth house. Rahu is highly malefic being Conjoined with sixth lord Saturn in eighth house.
  2. Sun, lagna karaka, is afflicted  by aspect of Saturn. Lord of lagna is also afflicted .
  3. Venus is in twelfth house from Sun with sixth lord from Sun. She is further sixth lord from Moon and is in eighth house from Moon.
  4. Sixth houses from Sun and Moon are afflicted. Sixth lords from lagna, Sun and Moon are also afflicted.                                                                Click Here  

In this horoscope we find Venus is second lord from lagna and is with second lord from Moon. Further she is aspected by Mars and Rahu. Second houses from lagna and Moon are also afflicted. Lords of second houses from lagna, Sun and Moon are also afflicted, All these suggest a strong relation of second house with this disease. Second house rules food. The root cause of this disease in this horoscope is taking of bad food. Rahu’s affliction suggests sufferings from epidemic.

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Beri-Beri Diseases – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt

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