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Periods of Diseases —Dasas and Antradasas—Jyotish Tutorial

Diseases appear in dasas and antardasas of different planets capable of producing disease 0r at the time when strong malefic planets pass through the house of disease, lagna, Sun, Moon or the house where disease inflicting planet is situated or malefic planets aspect them in transit.

The following dasas and antardasas are capable of giving rise to disease :–


  • In dasa of maraka Planet .
  • In dasa of sixth or eighth lord.
  • In dasa of malefic planet.
  • In dasa of a planet related to maraka or malefic planet which by conjuction or aspect also becomes a maraka or malefic.
  • In dasa of a disease-inflicting planet.
  • In dasa of a benefic, during antardasa of a disease-inflicting planet, malefic planet or maraka planet which is in any way related to the disease-inflicting planet by conjunction, opposition or aspect.
  • In dasa of a maraka planet, antardasa of a planet which is disease-inflicting or in any way malefically related to the disease inflicting planet by conjunction, opposition or aspect.
  • In dasa of a malefic planet in antardasa of a planet Which is capable of producing disease or is in any  way related malefically with disease-inflicting planet by conjunction, opposition or aspect.
  •  In dasa of a planet which is malefic or maraka by relation wall a malefic or maraka planet and in antardasa of a malefic lord of the house of disease or in antardasa of a malefic planet which is capable of producing disease Or in any way related malefically with disease inflicting planet by conjunction, opposition or aspect.
  • In dasa of sixth or eighth lord and in antardasa of a malefic planet capable of inflicting disease or in any way related malefically with disease-inflicting planet by conjunction, opposition or aspect or during antardasa of the malefic lord of the house of disease.
  • In dasa of a disease-inflicting planet and in antardasa of a malefic or maraka planet.

The planets have certain periods for giving results and they are capable of giving their effects in following degrees :-

  • Sun and Mars— 1°-10° in a house.
  • Jupiter and Venus— 11°-20° in a house.
  • Moon and Saturn— 21°-30° in a house.
  • Mercury, Rahu and Ketu—During all time.

That is, if antardasa is divided into three equal parts, Sun and Mars will give their effects in first part, Jupiter and Venus will give their effects in middle part, Moon and Saturn will give their effects in last part. Mercury, Rahu and Ketu will give their results any time in their antardasas. The result should be determined in this process from the antardasa period as regards the time of the disease.

Some are of the opinion that pratyantar dasa should be taken into consideration and effect will be felt during pratyantardasa of a planet which is malefic, maraka, badly situated, enemy or related to the disease-inflicting  planet.

Some are also of the opinion that the exact time during an antardasa will be in proportion to the location of a planet in a house, that is, the degree, minutes etc of the planet ruling the antardasa.

Dasas and Antardasas- Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt

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