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Fevers — Jyotish Tutorial

Typhoid, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Influenza, Malaria, Meningitis, Black-water Etc.

Fevers are of various types and are generally caused by affliction of the karaka planets and their relation with sixth house, sixth-lord, eighth lord, twelfth lord and malefic planets. Typhoid, pneumonia, bronchitis, influenza, malaria, meningitis, black-water etc are the different types of fevers.

Typhoid is caused by general infection by typhoid bacillus, characterized anatomically by hyperplasia and ulceration of the internal follicles, swelling mes-enteric glands and spleen. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are the rulers of the disease of typhoid and paratyphoid. When these planets are afflicted in horoscope, are lords of evil houses, are connected with evil houses by situation or are conjoined with evil lords or are connected with malefic by conjunction or aspect and are in any way related with sixth lord, sixth house, Kanya rasi, disease inflicting house or planet etc, they give rise to the diseases of typhoid and paratyphoid.

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Pneumonia is caused by pneumococcus, characterized by inflammation of the lungs. Bronchitis is caused by material infection of the finer bronchi and their related lobules with inflammation of the bronchioles and smaller bronchi etc. Moon and Mars along with fourth house and Karkata rasi rule the disease of pneumonia. When these are afflicted, are in any way related with evil houses, evil lords and malefics and are also related with disease-inflicting house or planet, they result into pneumonia.

Mercury and Mars along with Karkata rasi and fourth house rule bronchitis. When these planets and houses are afflicted, badly placed, related with dusthana or with lord of dusthana or with malefic and are also related with Kanya rasi, sixth house, lord of sixth house or with a disease-inflicting house or planet, they give rise to bronchitis.

Influenza is an acute infections disease which is pandemic, epidemic and endemic. Moon and Rahu are rulers of this disease. When these planets are afflicted. badly placed, conjoined with malefics or evil lords and are in some way related with a disease-inflicting house or planet, they result into the disease of influenza. When malefic Rahu afflicts Moon and be related with a disease-inflicting planet or house, it also produces similar disease. Mars also sometimes rules this disease, and affliction of Moon and Mars, or Moon being afflicted by malefic Mars may also result into the similar disease.

Malaria is a protozoan disease with paroxysms of intermittent fever continued with marked remission and suffer from anemia and enlarged spleen. Mars and Jupiter govern this disease. When they are afflicted, badly placed, conjoined with evil lords or malefics etc and are in any way related with a disease-inflicting house or planet, they give rise to malaria.

In meningitis, the meninges are chiefly attacked. Headache, delirium, convulsions, vomiting and hyperesthenia are common symptoms in this disease, Sun and Mars are the planets who govern this disease. Affliction of these planets, their situation in evil houses, their conjunction with evil lords and malefics, aspects of malefics over them, all these give rise to the disease of meningitis. provided the above planets make some relation with a disease-inflicting house or planet. Moon is karaka for vomiting. When Moon is also afflicted along with a combination for the above disease, she causes vomiting. In case of meningitis of acute nature, these planets are found heavily afflicted. Lagna and Mesha rasi rule the head, and their strength and position are also to be considered in this disease. These are generally found heavily afflicted in case of acute meningitis.

Glandular fever is characterized by slight redness of throat, high fever, swelling and tenderness of the lymph nodes of the neck etc. Venus and Mars are karaka for all glandular fever. When they are afflicted, badly placed, aspected by malefics and evil lords, conjoined with evil lords and malefics, and are related with a disease. Inflicting house or planet, they produce this disease. Third house and Mithuna rasi also work for this disease and their strength and position are also to be considered. Afflictions of these houses and third lord are not good for this disease.

Black water fever is ruled by Venus, Mars and Sun. When these planets are afflicted, badly situated, conjoined with lords of evil houses and with malefics etc and are related with Kanya rasi, sixth house, lord of sixth house or with disease-inflicting planet or house, they produce the disease of black water fever. Watery signs and houses ruling blood also have something to do in this disease and affliction of these houses are not good. for black-water fever.

Sun rules all heat generating and internal fevers. Fiery houses, Mesha, Simha and Dhanu rasis, also work for these diseases. Affliction of Sun and fiery houses may give rise to such diseases. All fevers connecting blood are to be judged from houses and rasis ruling blood, i.e., Fourth, eighth and twelfth houses, and Karkata, Brischika and Meena rasis and also from affliction of Mars, karaka for blood. All fevers as after-effect of accidents are to be judged from Mars. Affliction of Mars, his situation in evil houses, conjunction etc with Malefics and evil lords give rise to the same. All fevers connected with wound, ulcers, tumours, carbuncles etc are ruled by Mercury and Mars. In cases of fevers with the symptom of vomiting, Moon is found generally afflicted. Rahu rules over epidemics. Afflictions of karaka planets and houses ruling fever by malefic Rahu, may give rise to fevers from epidemics. Ketu and Saturn are karaka for pains. Any fever connected with pains is to be judged from the strength and situation of the above planets and their afflictions over the karaka planets and houses. Bharani, Mrigasira, Pushya, Purba-falgooni, Chitra, Anuradha, Purbashara, Dhanista and Uttara -bhadrapada stars rule the biles (pittha), and people born under any of the above stars as rasi or lagna. or afflictions of these stars by malefics may cause sufferance from fevers.

Sun with sixth lord in lagna causes fever. When lord of lagna is in Mesha or Tula navamsa afflicted by malefic, it gives rise to fever. A malefic in the second house aspected by another malefic causes typhoid. Rahu and Moon in the second house cause pneumonia. Rahu, Moon and a malefic, or Rahu and Moon aspected by a malefic in the second house cause typhoid. Mercury in Simha rasi afflicted by aspect of a malefic gives rise to fever. Sixth lord in the eighth house and also Mars in the eighth house cause fever. Measles is an acute highly infectious fever with specific localization in the upper air passages and in the skin. Affliction of Mars and Mercury, their placing in dusthana etc and their relation with disease-inflicting house or, planet give rise to this disease. Rahu also works for the same and afflictions of them by Rahu or a relation of them with Rahu by aspect or conjunction etc also give rise to this disease.

When strong malefics like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn pass over a karaka planet or transit through a karaka house or aspect a karaka house or planet in transit and if there is a combination for disease in natal chart, it gives rise to the disease of fever. The character of the fever will be like that ruled by the afflicted planet and house. If such affliction is during the dasa and antardasa of benefics, one may not suffer even though the planets and houses capable of producing diseases are afflicted in transit.


In dasas and antardasa of malefic and maraka planets, one may suffer from fever and other diseases if the planets ruling the dasa and antardasa are capable of producing fever and suggests diseases in natal chart or if the disease-producing planets and houses are related with the lords of dasa and antardasa. In Sun’s dasa, during antardasa of Venus, one suffers from fever. In antardasa of Mars, while dasa of Mercury is ruling, one suffers from the same. During Sun’s dasa in antardasa of Saturn, one suffers from bad type of fever. In Mercury’s dasa during antardasa of Sun one suffers from same trouble. In Ketu dasa, during Sun’s antardasa one may be attacked from fever. In antardasa of Rahu, while Saturn dasa is ruling, one suffers from the same. One suffers from typhoid in antardasa of lord of lagna, if lord of lagna be in house of or in barga of Saturn ( that is in amsa etc of Saturn ) with lord of sixth house. If lord of lagna be with lord of sixth or eighth house or be with a maraka planet, one suffers from fever in their antardasa.


Example No, 82.

LagnaBrisha ; Saturn and Rahu in Mesha ; Mars in Brisha ; Moon in Kanya ; Venus and Ketu in Tula; Sun and Jupiter in Brischika ; Mercury in Dhanu

This is a case, in which the person suffered from malaria and paratyphoid both.

The reasons for the malaria are :–

  • Mars and Jupiter, karaka for malaria, are in opposition affecting lagna and are related with Sun, karaka for fever.
  • Mars and Jupiter, both are lords of dusthanas.
  • Mars is aspected by Rahu from an evil house. Rahu’s aspect is highly malignant as it is conjoined with Saturn and is aspected by sixth lord.
  • Mars is lord of an evil house. Jupiter is also lord of eighth house. Jupiter’s aspect over Mars and he himself being afflicted by conjunction with Sun suggest diseases. Further, Mars is sixth lord from Sun ; Therefore his lordship and his aspect over Jupiter indicate disease.

The reasons for the paratyphoid are –

  • Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are karaka for typhoid. Here Mercury is in eighth house aspected by highly malefic Rahu from sixth house. Venus is, in sixth house, being lord of sixth house, is conjoined with malefic Ketu, and is aspected by Saturn and Rahu from an evil house.
  • Jupiter is aspected by an evil lord Mars. Further he is eighth lord.
  • Rahu is afflicting both. Venus and Mercury. Further they are aspected by Rahu from sixth house from Sun and from eighth house from Moon. Venus is also aspected by Saturn from sixth house from Sun.

Thus we find the planets ruling the diseases of malaria and typhoid are afflicted in this horoscope and are related with disease-inflicting houses. The person was attacked Malaria in his Rahu dasa during antardasa of Jupiter. At the time of his disease, Saturn was passing through Brischika rasi and was afflicting his radical Mars, Jupiter and Sun. He was attacked from paratyphoid in his Rahu dasa during antardasa of Saturn. At the time of disease, Saturn was passing through Dhanu Rasi and thus was afflicting his radical Mercury. Rahu was passing through Mesha rasi and was afflicting his radical Venus and Mercury both.


Example No, 83.

Lagna—Mithuna ; Moon and Saturn in Brisha ; Sun and Mercury in Simha ; Venus, Mars and Ketu in Kanya ; Jupiter in Brischika ; Balm in Meena.

This is a case of typhoid. The reasons for the disease are :—

  • Mercury is with malefic Sun.
  • Venus is conjoined with sixth lord and malefic Mars, and is aspected by Rahu from a sensitive sign. Further Venus is in Kanya rasi.
  • Jupiter is aspected by Rahu and Saturn. Rahu is aspecting from a sensitive sign and Saturn is aspecting from dusthana. Further, Jupiter is malefic for this lagna and is in sixth house being aspected by eighth lord.
  • Venus is lord of sixth house from Moon and is conjoined with lord of twelfth house from Moon.
  • Jupiter is lord of eighth house from Moon and is afflicted. Thus we find, the planets Venus, Jupiter and Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in particular, are afflicted in this horoscope and are related with disease-inflicting houses. Ho was attacked from typhoid in his Saturn’s dasa during antardasa of Saturn. Further Saturn was passing through Tula rasi, Rahu through Dhanu rasi and Mars through Kumbha rasi in transit at that time. Thus his radical Venus was afflicted by aspect of Mars, Mercury by aspects of Mars and Rahu, and Jupiter was between Saturn and Rahu.


Example No, 84.

LagnaKanya ; Mars in Mesha;  Jupiter in Brisha ; Moon and Rahu in Karkata ; Ketu in Makara ; Sun, Venus and Saturn in Kumbha ; Mercury in Meena.

This is a case of black water fever.

The reasons for the disease are :—

  • Venus, Sun and Mars rule the black-water fever. Venus and Mars in this horoscope are in sixth house afflicted by sixth lord. Mars is in eighth house afflicted by aspect of sixth lord.
  • Venus and Sun are in the eighth house from Moon with eighth lord from Moon, and Mars is also aspected by eighth lord form Moon.
  • Strong malefic Saturn is afflicting all the karaka planets Venus, Sun and Mars.

Thus we find, all the planets ruling black-water fever are in dusthana, are heavily afflicted and related with sixth lord. The person suffered form the disease in his Venus dasa during antardasa of Mars.

Example No, 85.

LagnaSimha ; Jupiter  in Mesha ; Rahu in Brisha ; Mars in Mithuna ; Moon in Tula ; Ketu in Brischika ; Sun and Saturn to Dhanu ; Mercury in Makara ; Venus in Kumbha.

This is a case of meningitis, The reasons for the disease in this horoscope are :–

  • Karaka Sun is conjoined with sixth lord and malefic Saturn. Sun is further aspected by malefic Mars.
  • Karaka Mars is aspected by sixth lord Saturn and also by malefic Rahu.
  • Mars and Sun are in opposition and are connected with sixth lord Saturn.
  • Lord of lagna is afflicted by conjunction of sixth lord Saturn.

Thus we find the planets ruling the disease of meningitis are afflicted in this horoscope and are capable of giving rise to meningitis.

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Fevers – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt


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