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Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Diphtheria, and Other Throat Diseases — Jyotish Tutorial

The third house governs the throat. Mithuna rasi is the seat of throat in the natural zodiac. Venus is karaka for throat diseases. Affliction of third house, lord of third house, Mithuna rasi and Venus, all these produce diseases concerning the throat provided any of them has some relation with the disease inflicting house or planet.

There are many kinds of diseases concerning throat, of which tonsillitis, diphtheria and pharyngitis are common. Acute suppuration of the peritonsillar tissues cause tonsillitis. To find this disease, one must look also to the position of the planet Mars in addition to the houses and planets ruling throat. Afflicted Mars in the third house or with lord of third house, or aspect of malefic Mars over third house or over lord of third house, together with afflicted third house, lord of third house, Mithuna rasi, karaka planets etc give rise to this disease. To find out the causes of ulcer in the throat one must look into the position of Mercury in addition to the houses and planets ruling throat.

Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Diphtheria, and Other Throat Diseases

Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Diphtheria, and Other Throat Diseases

Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease with inflammation of mucous membrane, especially of throat. The causes of this disease are to be looked out from third house, lord of third house, Mithuna rasi, Venus, Mars and Rahu. Affliction of third house, Mithuna rasi or lord of third house by Mars and Rahu, by conjunction, aspect etc, are important factors to produce this disease, Affliction of karaka Venus by Mars and  Rahu may also give rise to the similar diseases. When Mercury joins the above combinations, the infection comes from school, business place, place of amusements etc ; When Mars joins them it is infected from brothers, sisters, hospitals, battle fields etc ; When Saturn joins them it is from people in street, factory workers, low-class people etc and so on according to the nature and qualities of the karakatas of planets.

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Pharynx is the cavity with enclosing muscles and mucous  membrane, behind and communicating with nose, mouth and larynx. The affection of same gives rise to the diseases of Pharyngitis. The third house, lord of third house, Mithuna rasi, and Venus rule this disease, When above houses, house-lords and planets ‘become afflicted and be in any way related with disease-inflicting planet or house they produce the said disease. When afflicted, malefic or sixth lord Venus afflicts third house, Mithuna rasi or lord of third house by conjunction or aspect etc or when afflicted Venus be in dusthana or in kanya  rasi with the lord of third house and Mithuna rasi or third house be weak, they produce the same disease, When fourth house or lord of fourth house or Karkata rasi or Moon be weak or afflicted or be conjoined with or be aspected by malefic or evil lord and in anyway be related with the above combinations causing the diseases of pharyngitis, they give rise to worst type of pharyngitis.

The affliction of third house, Venus, Mithuna rasi, lord of third house by strong and afflicted Mars and Rahu give rise to tumours in throat and neck. When all malefics strongly aspect or connect third house, third lord, Mithuna rasi and Venus and be in anyway related with disease-inflicting house or planet, they produce cancer of throat. To produce any disease in neck, affliction of the eleventh house is also necessary.

I am giving below some of the combinations to produce diseases in throat :—

  • When third lord conjoins with Mercury, it causes throat trouble.
  • If any weak, debilitated or eclipsed planet be in the third house aspected by malefics, it causes trouble in throat from poison.
  • Malefic planet conjoined with another malefic in the third house causes throat trouble.
  • If lords of second and third houses be with Rahu in a house, they cause throat trouble.
  • If third lord and Mercury be in lagna, they cause throat trouble.
  • If Moon be in the fourth house in navarnsa of fourth lord and be conjoined with malefic and third house be afflicted, they cause throat trouble.
  • If fourth house be in navamsa of Karkata, Brischika or Kumbha and Moon be there with malefic and the third house be afflicted, they cause throat trouble.
  • Lagna hemmed between malefics and afflicted planet in second and twelfth houses and third house or lord of third house afflicted give rise to diphtheria.
  • Mars and Saturn in the sixth or twelfth house without benefic aspect together with lord of third house give rise to tumours in throat.

Example No, 16.

Lagna—Tula ; Mars in Brisha ; Saturn in Mithuna ; Rahu in Karkata ; Jupiter in Simha ; Moon and Venus in Kanya ; Sun and Mercury in Brischika ; Ketu in Makara.

The jataka suffered from bad Tonsillitis and underwent an operation.
The reasons for the disease are :—

  • Third house is aspected by Saturn and Mars. Here Saturn is not a malignant planet being yoga-karaka, but Mars is highly malefic.
  • Third lord Jupiter, who is also the sixth lord, is aspected by Mars, Saturn and Rahu. Further, Jupiter, being sixth lord, is aspecting third house.
  • Venus, the karaka is in dusthana with malefic Moon and is also debilitated.
  • Mars, another karaka, is in dusthana aspected by malefics Sun and Mercury.
  • Third houses from Sun and Moon are afflicted.
  • Third house and third lord, both, are afflicted by malefic and also afflicted by Mars, suggesting tonsillitis.
  • Mithuna rasi is afflicted by Saturn and is hemmed between Mars and Rahu.                                                                                                        Click Here  

Example No, 17.

Lagna—Mesha I Moon in Mesha ; Venus, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Mercury in Mithuna ; Jupiter In Karkata ; Ketu in Dhanu Saturn in Meena.

This is a case of Diphtheria.
The reasons for the same are:-

  • Third, lord is with Rahu and lord of second house arid they all are in one house.
  • Malefic Mars has joined malefic Sun, Mercury and Rahu in third house
  • Rahu and Mars are in third house with other malefics.
  • Mithuna rasi is afflicted heavily.
  • Third lord is afflicted heavily, particularly by Mars and Rahu.
  • Mercury, though third lord, is also lord of sixth house and is in third house afflicting third house, Mithuna rasi and karaka planets Mars, Venus and Rahu.
  • Venus, karaka for throat, is afflicted by malefics, particularly by Mars and Rahu.

Thus we find the third house, lord of third house, Mithuna rasi and karaka planets are afflicted heavily by malefics and are quite capable of giving rise to disease like diphtheria.

Example No, 18.

Lagna—Dhanu ; Moon in Mesha ; Ketu in Brisha ; Jupiter, Mercury and Mars in Karkata ; Sun and Saturn in Simha; Venus in Kanya ; Rahu In Brischika.

This is a case of Pharyngitis. The jataka suffered from the same many times.
The reasons for the same are:-

  • Third house is aspected by malefics Sun and Mars.
  • Third lord is conjoined with malefic Sun.
  • Mithuna rasi is hemmed between malefics.
  • Venus, karaka for the disease, is lord of sixth house, debilitated and in Kanya rasi.
  • Karkata rasi is afflicted;
  • Third house from Moon is hemmed between malefics.
  • Mercury, third lord from Moon, is conjoined with malefic.
  • Venus is in sixth house from Moon.
  • Third house from Sun is aspected by Mars and Saturn.
  • Third lord from Sun is in Kanya rasi and is also weak.
  • Fourth houses from lagna, Moon and Sun are afflicted.

Thus we find many factors are present in this horoscope to produce the disease of Pharyngitis.

Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis, Diphtheria, and Other Throat Diseases – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt

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