Eighth house is the place where from these diseases are to be judged. Brischika rasi rules the same. Mars and Mercury are karaka for the diseases in genital organ like ulcers, tumours, boils etc. Affliction of these houses and their lords together with afflicted Mars and Mercury give rise to these diseases. When Brischika rasi, eighth house and lord of eighth house are afflicted by malefic Mars and Mercury, and when they make any relation with disease inflicting house or planet, they produce similar diseases.
I am giving below some of the combinations connecting the diseases in genital organs :—
- Sixth lord with Mars unexpected by benefic.
- Moon and Saturn in Karkata or Brischika navamsa.
- If eighth lord be with Moon or lord of the house where eighth lord is situated, be with Moon and eighth house also be aspected by Rahu.
- Three or more malefics in eighth house.
- Lord of lagna and Mars in sixth house.
- Lord of lagna in Mithuna or Kanya rasi aspected by Mercury, provided such Mithuna or Kanya rasi is the sixth house.
- Venus and Sun in the sixth house.
- Mars and Venus in one house, being malefics or afflicted.
- Seventh house in navamsa of Mars in a female horoscope, aspected by Saturn.
- Moon in Karkata or Brischika navamsa with a malefic.
- Lord of lagna in sixth house with Mars and Mercury.
- Mars and Venus in the seventh house.
- Moon in Karkata or Brischika navamsa aspected by malefic.
- Moon in Karkata rasi in navamsa of Brischika, or in Brischika rasi in navamsa of Karkata and when afflicted.
- Mercury in lagna with lords of sixth and eighth houses.
- Lords of lagna and seventh house in eighth house, Mars, Saturn or Rahu in seventh house, lord of eighth house in lagna and Moon afflicted.
- Sixth lord in lagna with malefic Venus.
- Lord of lagna in Kanya navamsa afflicted by malefic.

Ulcers and Other Diseases
Example No, 53.
Lagna—Mesha ; Rahu in Brisha ; Venus in Kanya ; Mars, Sun and Mercury R in Tula; Saturn and Ketu in Brischika ; Moon and Jupiter R in Meena.
This is a case of ulcer in genital organ.
The reasons for the disease are :—
- Eighth houses from lagna, Sun and Moon, and lords thereof are afflicted. Further eighth lord from lagna being Mars is with malefic and sixth lord Mercury. Saturn and Ketu, two strong malefics, are in eighth house from lagna.
- Brischika rasi is afflicted by conjunction of Saturn and Ketu.
- Mars, karaka, is afflicted by sixth lord Mercury. Mercury, another karaka, is afflicted by eighth lord Mars.
Thus we find the houses and planets ruling genital organs are afflicted in this horoscope and affliction of Mars and Mercury along with the houses ruling genital organs are capable of producing ulcer there.