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Aspects of Planets, Rashi, Nakshtra

Aspects of Planets, Rahi, Nakshtra  – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt  


Creation on earth started on a Sunday when the seven visible planets were in Aries at the zero point and when Rahu was in Virgo at the end of 30° point and Kethu was in Pisces at the end of 300 point. The 12 signs zodiac commencing from Aries and ending with Pisces is called Natural zodiac. The lagna of the natural zodiac is always Aries; the zodiac is divided into Kendras (quadrants) and Konas (Trines). They divided the zodiac into four Kendras of 90° angle. Thus 1, 4, 7 and 10th houses are the four Kendra houses. They are Aries Cancer, Libra and Capricorn signs. Similarly the sages divided the zodiac into three Konas of 120° (of each angle). Thus 1, 5, 9th houses are the three Konas (trines). They are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius signs. Therefore Kendra lords are Mars, Moon, Venus and Saturn. Kona lords are Mars, sun and Jupiter of the natural zodiac. In my book I am using bhavas and houses in the same sense.




Kona aspect (5th aspect) is a benefic aspect for all planets Kendra aspect is a benefic aspect to natural malefics but a blemish in the case of natural benefics. The aspects must be taken from the positions of the planets at the time of Sristi according to their lordships over the signs of their own. The seven visible planets took their positions at 0° Aries at the time of Sristi on Earth. From Aries as lagna, Mars got lordship over Kendra and Kona as he is lord of Aries (lagna lord). So he got Kendra (900 or 4thaspect) and Kona (120° or 5th aspect) aspects. As a natural malefic.and as Kendra lord Mars aspected the 4th house, Cancer, his friend’s house. So Mars got 4th aspect. From Cancer he aspected his own house Scorpio by his Kona aspect, Scorpio is the 8th house from Aries lagna, So Mars got 8th aspect. Thus 4th and 8th aspects of Mars are called Visesha Drusti (special aspects) Saturn is a Kendra lord from Aries (10th Kendra lord). He got no Kula house. As such Saturn is allowed to aspect by Kendra aspects only So Saturn purely as a Kendra lord aspected the 4th house, Cancer. But this happened to be his enemy’s house. So he cut short of his aspect and it was turned as 3rd aspect and aspected his friend’s house Gemini. Thus he got 3rd aspect. Every planet by nature aspects the 7th house (180′ angle) just like the light of a lighted torch falls on the wall which is in 180° angle to the torch From the 7th Kendra(Libra). Saturn aspected his own house, Capricorn by his Kendra aspect which is 10th house from Aries. Thus Saturn got 3rd and 10th aspects under the name of Visesha Drusti. From his position Aries, Jupiter got 9th Kona lordship. But he got no Kendra lordship. As such Jupiter is allowed to aspect by Kona aspects only. So Jupiter as a Kona lord aspected the 5th house Leo, his friend’s house by his 5th aspect. From Leo he aspected his own house Sagittarius by his 5th aspect which is the 9th from Aries. So Jupiter got Visesha Drusties of 5th and 9th aspects. From his position Aries Mercury is neither a Kendra lord nor a Kona lord. So he had no special aspects except the 7th aspect by nature. The Sun and the Moon got only one lordship. So they got o visesha Drusties except the 7th aspect by nature. Even though Venus is 7th Kendra lord having two lordships from his position Aries, the 7th Kendra lordship is a blemish to Venus as he is a natural benefic. (Blemish How? to be discussed after). So Venus is not allowed to aspect Kendra aspects the 7th aspect by nature.

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Rahu & Kethu: –

Rahu and Kethu got 7th aspect by nature. At the time of Sristi Rahu occupied Chitta star in Virgo sign. Their aspects and movements are in the anticlockwise direction. They are not allotted signs of their own but allotted stars of their own. From Chitta star in Virgo sign, the 4th star in Gemini (backward direction) is Arudra. It means from, his position Chitta he is a Kona lord. From Arudra the 10th star is Satabhisha (backward direction). So from Arudra he is a Kendra lord in the stellar zodiac. From Satabhisha the 10th star is Swati. So from Satabhisha he is a Kendra lord. So Rahu is permitted to aspect by Kendra and Kona aspects. From Chitta star in Virgo he aspected Arudra by his 9th Kona aspect, But Arudra is posited in Gemini sign. This sign is the 4th sign from Virgo, So Rahu’s stellar Kona aspect is turned as Rahu’s 4th Kendra aspect ink the 12 signs zodiac (Rasis). From Arudra, Rahu aspected Satabhisha by his 10th Kendra aspect. But Satabhisha is posited in Aquarius sign. This sign is the 5th sign from Gemini (backward). So Rahu’s stellar 10th Kendra aspect on his own star is turned as Rahu’s 5th. Kona aspect (sign aspect) from his own star Arudra and as 8th aspect from Virgo (Sign aspect). Again from Satabhisha in Aquarius he aspected Swati by his 10th Kendra aspect. But Swati is posited in Libra sign. This sign is the 5th sign from Aquarius. So Ralues stellar 10th Kendra aspect on his own star is turned as Rahu’s 5th Kona aspect from his own star Satabhisha and as 12th aspect (sign aspect) from Virgo. Thus Rahu got challees in two times to aspect his own stars from his own stars by Kona aspects. Thus Rahu from his own star Arudra in Gemini aspected Aquarius by his 5th aspect and Libra by his 9th aspect. Thus Rahu is aspecting from Chitta in Virgo (which is not his own star) the 4th, 8th, 12th signs. He is also aspecting 8th and 9th signs from his own star Arudra in Gemini. On the same analysis pursued as in the case of Rahu, Kethu also got the same aspects. This can be generalised as follows.

When Rahu and Kethu are posited in their own stars, they aspect the houses by their 4th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 5th and 9th aspects from the position of their houses.

When Rahu and Kethu are not posited in their own stars, they aspect the houses by 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th aspects only.


Mars from his own house Scorpio can aspect his own house Aries (at the time of Sristi) by his 6th aspect. So accor-ding to his occupation at the time of Sristi we can generalise a rule as follows. When Mars is posited in his own house, he aspects the 6th house. From his Sristi Kala position as he is a Kendra and Kona lord, he will have these aspects only. So his 6th aspect as generalised above is a bad aspect. Similarly Jupiter from his own house Sagittarius can aspect his own house Pisces by his 4th aspect. As Jupiter is a Kona lord only from his Sristi Kala position, he will have only Kona aspects. When Jupiter is posited in his own house, he aspects the 4th house. So this is a bad aspect. Similarly Satrun from his own house Capricorn aspects his 2nd own house Aquarius by his 2nd aspect. This leads to generalization that when Saturn is posited in his house, he will have 2nd aspect (aspects the 2nd house). From Sristi Kala position as he is only a Kendra Lord he will have Kendra aspects only. So his aspect on the 2nd house as generalized above is a bad aspect. In framing these rules the aspects should not tresspass their Sristi time positions.


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At the time of Creation the seven visible planets took their position in Aswini zero degrees and Rahu in Chitta star and Kethu in Revati star. From Aswini the Sun aspected his own Kruttika star by his 3rd aspect as it is the 3rd star from Aswini. From Kruttika he aspected his own star Uttara by his 10th aspect as it is the 10th from Kruttika. From Uttara he aspected his own star Uttarashadha by 10th aspect on the same reason as above. So the Sun got stellar aspects of 3rd, 12th and 21st aspects (when he is not posited in his own stars). When the Sun is posited in his own star, he aspects the star jones by 3rd, 12th, 21st, 10th and 19th aspects ,On the same analysis the Moon got stellar aspects of 4th, 13th, 22nd aspects when she is not posited in her own star. When she is posited in her own star, she aspects 4th, 13th, 22nd, 10th and 19th aspects. Mars, when he is not posited in his own star, aspects 5th, 14th and 23rd stars, When he is posited in his own star, he aspects 5th, 14th, 23rd, 10th and 19th stars. When Mercury is not posited in his own star, he aspects 9th, 18th, 27th stars. When he is posited in his own star, he aspects 9th, 18th, 27th, 10th and 19th stars. When Jupiter is not posited in his own star, he aspects 7th, 16th, 25th stars, When he is posited in his own star, he aspects 7th, 16th, 25th, 10th and 19th stars. When Venus is not posited in his own star, he aspects 2nd, 11th and 20th star. When he is posited in his own star, he aspects 2nd, 11th, 20th, 10th and 19th aspects,  When Saturn is not posited in his own star, he aspects 8th, 17th, 26th stars, When Saturn is posited in his own star, he aspects 8th, 17th, 26th, 10th and 19th stars. Rahu and Kethu, when they not posited in their own stars, aspect 9th, 18th, 27th stars. When they are posited in their own stars, they aspect 9th, 18th, 27th, 10th, 19th stars. All planets aspect the 14th star by nature. We have to examine these aspects in future whether there is any use to us.

Aspects of Planets, Rahi, Nakshtra  – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt  

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