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Diseases in Horary Astrology-Preliminary—Jyotish Tutorial

Horary branch of astrology is the method of judging a horoscope calculated for the time of question. It also gives miraculous results. This can be applied also to determine the diseases. When more than one question are to be judged during one and same lagna, the first question is to be judged from lagna, second from fourth house, third from seventh house, fourth from tenth house, fifth from fifth house, sixth from eighth house, seventh from eleventh house and eighth from second house.

When a question is to be judged as regards any disease whether a person is suffering from any disease or not, this should be decided from lagna, Moon, sixth house and lord of sixth house. If Moon or lord of lagna be in sixth house, or sixth lord be with Moon or lord of lagna, or sixth lord be in lagna, it suggests one is suffering from disease. If sixth be a movable sign, the disease is ordinary and in case ii +s fixed sign, the disease is serious. If it is a dual sign and it the sixth sputa (sixth bhava madhya) be with-in first fifteen degrees  of the sign, the disease is serious and if it is in the second fifteen degrees of the sign, it is not serious. If Moon be in third, sixth, tenth or eleventh house and malefics be in first, fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth houses and if lagna be aspected by malefics, it suggests one is suffering from disease, If lagna be a fiery sign or be in a fiery navamsa, it suggests either the person is suffering from disease or will be attacked from the same soon.



Nature of disease can be ascertained from eighth house, lord of eighth house and planet occupying the eighth house etc. Strongest of these planets will rule the nature of the disease. Strengths of planets in eighth house, aspecting eighth house and lord of eighth house suggest the nature of the disease and will be like that ruled by the planets. The part of the body, which will be affected, will be that part ruled by the house or rasi where the strongest of the above planets is situated or is afflicting. Sixth house, lord of sixth house, planets aspecting the sixth house, planets related with the lord of sixth house also govern disease, The karakatas (rulership) of the planets over the diseases and the parts of the body ruled by the planets, rasis and houses have been dis. cussed in chapters I and II of this book and the same should be applied also in case of horary astrology. The number of the planets in both sides of lagna and lord of

And number of planets related with sixth and eighth, houses, and with their lords suggest the number of diseases from which the person in question is suffering or will suffer. While judging diseases one must take into consideration whether the planets causing diseases are rnalefics or benefice from the lagna and from the house wherefore the horoscope is being judged. The benefics will do much less evil and may not even inflict disease at all.
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There are many combination for diseases in horary astrology and I am giving below the same. While applying these, one must take into consideration whether the combining planets are benefics or malefics and also the strength of their affliction.

  • If Saturn be in eighth house or aspects the same and another malefic planet aspects the eighth house, it suggests insanity or paralysis.
  •  If Sun and Rahu be in eighth house, it causes gouts and rheumatic diseases.
  •  If Saturn and Ketu be in eighth house, they cause rheumatic diseases.
  •  If Sun and Rahu aspect the eighth house, they cause similar diseases.
  •  Ketu in eighth house aspected by Saturn causes similar diseases.
  •  If Saturn and Rahu be in eighth house or aspect the same, they give rise to similar diseases.
  •  if Saturn and a malefic strongly aspect the eighth nerves.
  •  If Sun be in eighth house, it suggests fever and heat-generating diseases.
  •  Mercury in eighth house causes typhoid.
  •  If Saturn be in, eighth house with a malefic, they cause malaria.
  •  Jupiter in eighth house hemmed between malefics causes typhoid.
  •  Moon in eighth house in between malefics causes typhoid.
  •  Sun in second house causes fever and heat-generating diseases.
  •  Mercury in second house causes typhoid.
  •  If Saturn aspects the eighth house and a malefic be there, they cause malaria.
  • If Moon be in eighth house, she causes lungs diseases.
  •  Weak Moon in seventh or eighth house con. joined with Ketu or Saturn or aspected by Saturn causes lungs diseases.
  •  Mercury in eighth house causes cough and indigestion. Mercury in second house also causes similar diseases.
  •  Sun and Moon in second house cause dysentery and disease of bile.
  • If Moon and Rahu aspect eighth house, they cause diseases of liver and bile.
  • Moon and Venus in second house cause diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery etc.
  • Venus and Moon in eighth house cause dysentery.
  •  If Mars be in lagna and sixth lord be weak, they cause spleen diseases.
  •  Rahu and Moon in eighth house cause diseases of liver and bile.
  • Sun and Moon in eighth house produce dysentery and diseases of bile.
  •  Mars and Venus in eighth house cause diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery etc.
  •  Rahu and Sun in eighth house aspected by malefic cause incurable leprosy.
  • Rahu, Mars and Sun in eighth house cause similar disease.
  • If lord of lagna be Mercury or Mars and be conjoined with Moon, Rahu and Saturn, they cause leprosy.
  •  Moon not being lord of lagna in eighth house with Saturn and Mars causes similar disease.
  • Moon, Mercury, Sun and lord of lagna in one house without aspect of benefic cause similar disease.
  •  If Rahu and Sun aspect the eighth house with-out benefic aspect, they cause leprosy.
  •  If Rahu, Sun and Mars aspect eighth house, they cause incurable leprosy.
  •  If Sun, Mars and Saturn be in eighth house or aspect eighth house, they give rise to leprosy.
  • If Moon, Mercury and lord of lagna be with Rahu or Ketu and be not aspected by benefic, they cause leucoderma.
  •  Moon not being lord of lagna with Rahu in eighth house causes similar disease.
  •  Afflicted Moon in eighth house causes dropsy and watery diseases.
  • If Moon being malefic aspects the eighth house, she causes similar diseases.
  • If a malefic be in fifth house and fifth lord be not there, in a female horoscope, it causes abortion, miscarriage etc.
  •  Mars and Saturn in lagna in female horoscope cause the same.
  •  If fifth lord be afflicted by malefic, a female suffers from trouble during delivery or from birth of a dead child.
  • If a malefic be in fifth house, a female suffers from disease in womb, disease connecting pregnancy or suffers frontal abortion.
  • If fifth house be in between Rahu and Mars, a female suffers from abortion, mis-carraige etc.
  • if fifth lord be with Mars and Rahu, a female suffers from similar troubles.
  • If fifth lord be between Rahu and Mars a female suffers from similar troubles.
  • Saturn in lagna, in a female horoscope, causes diseases connecting womb and pregnancy. Rahu or Ketu in lagna causes similar diseases.
  • Venus in the eighth house causes venereal diseases.Horary Disease
  •  Sun, Mars and Ketu in eighth house cause the  same.
  •  Afflicted Venus in second house causes same.
  •  Ketu in eighth house aspected by Mars and Sun causes same.
  • Many malefics in sixth, seventh and eighth houses cause the urinal diseases.
  • If Mars being in malefic navamsa be in sixth house with Mercury and be aspected by Moon and Venus, they cause similar diseases.
  • Combusted Mars in eighth house causes diseases of genital and female ‘organs.
  •  If Venus, Sun and Mars aspect the eighth house, they cause itches and skin diseases.
  •  If Mars be in lagna and sixth lord be weak, they cause itches and skin diseases.
  • Mars, Sun and Venus in eighth house cause similar diseases.
  • Sun and Mars in eighth house cause all blood diseases, diseases from impurity of blood, abscesses, tumours, fevers etc.
  • If Sun and Mars aspect the eighth house, they cause diseases connecting blood and from impurity of blood.
  •  If lord of lagna be combusted by Mars, it causes bloodless-ness.
  • If Venus and Mars aspect the eighth house, they cause loss of vitality and energy.
  • If Venus and Mars be in eighth house they cause similar troubles.
  • If lord of lagna be either in house of Mars or Mercury not being in lagna and be aspected by Mercury there will be diseases in mouth.
  • Mars in lagna and sixth lord weak cause similar diseases.
  • Mars in eighth house causes windy diseases.
  • When Mars aspects the eighth house, he causes similar diseases.
  •   Rahu in eighth house brings trouble from accidents. When Rahu aspects eighth house, it produces similar trouble.
  • Weak sixth lord and Mars in lagna produce headache.
  • Sun with a malefic in eighth house causes diseases which cannot be easily diagnosed, that is, the disease resulting from combination of various diseases.
  •   Jupiter in eighth house with malefic causes disease of three humours.
  •  Mars and Ketu in eighth house produce incurable diseases.
  •  Ketu in eighth house aspected by Mars causes incurable diseases.
  •  If Saturn aspects eighth house, it causes sudden illness.
  •  If Saturn be in eighth house, it causes sudden illness.
  •  If lord of lagna be eclipsed, one does not feel.

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Diseases in Horary Astrology-Preliminary – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt

One comment

  1. Ramachandra Mohanty

    very good article. i will try the details
    one part time astrologer

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