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Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea and Cholera – Jyotish Tutorial

I have already mentioned many combinations for diarrhea and cholera while discussing diseases concerning stomach and bowels in the pages of this chapter.

Dyspepsia is caused from indigestion. Diarrhea results from too rapid passage of the contents through the intestine, resulting into fluid stools. Cholera is seen with profuse and frequent stools, incessant vomiting and excited by an attempt to take food and drink.


Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea and Cholera

The root causes of these diseases are to be found out from Kanya rasi, sixth house, lord of sixth house and Sun karaka for bowels. Venus is karaka for digestion and affliction of Venus along with afflicted above houses and planets and some relation of them with disease inflicting house or planet give rise to dyspepsia and other diseases from indigestion. Moon is karaka for diarrhea. Affliction of sixth house, lord of sixth house, Kanya rasi, karaka Sun and karaka Moon and their relation with disease inflicting house or planet may give rise to diarrhea. Mercury is karaka for cholera. Moon also rules over vomiting. Affliction of Kanya rasi, sixth house, lord of sixth house, karaka Sun, karaka Mercury, and their relation with disease inflicting planet or house, and also a relation of them with malefic or afflicted Moon produce cholera. When afflicted Mercury and Moon be in sixth house or in Kanya rasi or be related with lord of sixth house, they are also capable of producing similar disease. Rahu is karaka for all epidemics. When one is victim of cholera from epidemic, the root cause is to be looked out from situation of Rahu in the horoscope and also from the relation with the houses and planets producing cholera. Any link of these houses and planets with eighth house, lord of eighth house, lord of twenty-second drekkana or with death inflicting house or planet may cause death. Mercury further works for all troubles from poison and when strongly afflicted Mercury joins the houses and planets ruling bowels or afflicts them by aspect, it may result into troubles in bowels from poison. The second house and Brisha rasi rule over food and affliction of these houses, lord of second house and Mercury and a mutual relation among them may bring sufferings from food poisoning. When Mercury being second lord be afflicted and second house or Brisha rasi also be afflicted, they may bring similar trouble. Watery signs Karkata, Brischika and Meena rasis have also something to do regarding cholera and diarrhea and their connection with the combinations for these diseases are always bad.

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Example No, 37.

Lagna—Makara ; Rahu and Jupiter in Mesha ; Mars in Brisha ; Saturn in Kanya ; Ketu  in Tula ; Moon in Dhanu ; Sun, Venus and Mercury in Meena.

This is a case of cholera. The person suffered from the disease in his Moon’s dasa.
The reasons for the disease are :—

  1. Saturn is in Kanya rasi afflicted by malefics.
  2. Sixth house is afflicted by Saturn and sixth lord is weak and afflicted. Further sixth house is aspected by Moon.
  3. Moon is in dusthana afflicted by aspect of Mars and Rahu and is aspecting the sixth house.
  4. Sun, karaka, is lord of eighth house and is with Mercury, sixth lord and karaka for cholera, and is aspected by malefic Saturn from Kanya rasi.
  5. Venus, karaka for digestion, is conjoined with sixth and eighth lords Mercury and Sun, and is aspected by Saturn from Kanya rasi.
  6. Sun, Mercury, Venus, lord of sixth house, all ruling the disease of cholera, are in watery signs.
  7. Sixth houses from Sun and Moon, and their lords are afflicted.

Thus we find all the houses and planets ruling cholera are afflicted in this horoscope.

Example No, 38.

Lagna— Simha ; Saturn and Ketu in Mesha ; Moon in Mithuna ; Sun, Venus and Mercury in Simha ; Rahu in Tula ; Mars in Makara ; Jupiter in Meena.

This is also a case of cholera.
The reasons for the same are :–

  1. Moon, karaka for vomiting and diarrhoea, is afflicted by sixth lord Saturn and also by Rahu.
  2. Mercury, karaka for cholera and Venus, karaka for digestion are conjoined with malefic and are afflicted by aspect of malefic Mars from sixth house.
  3. Sixth house and lord of sixth house are afflicted. Kanya rasi is also hemmed between malefics.
  4. Lagna and lord of lagna are afflicted by aspect of malefic Mars from sixth house.
  5. Sixth houses from Sun and Moon are also afflicted. Lords of these houses are also afflicted.
  6. Moon, Mercury and Venus are connected with sixth house and lord of sixth house ; they are also afflicted by lord of sixth house and by planets from sixth house.

Example No, 39.

Lagna—Meena ; Ketu in Brisha ; Sun, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter in karkata ; Venus and Saturn in Simha ; Rahu in Brischika ; Moon in Kumbha.

This is a case of chronic dyspepsia.
The reasons for the same are :—

  1. Sixth house is afflicted by malefic Saturn and also by eighth lord.
  2. Sun, karaka for bowels, is in watery sign and is also afflicted by Mercury, Mars and Rahu.
  3. Venus, karaka for dyspepsia, is in sixth house conjoined with malefic Saturn. Mercury, another karaka, is also afflicted.
  4. Sixth houses from Sun and Moon and their lords are afflicted.

Thus we find many factors are present in the horoscope to give rise to bowels disease. Only notable thing is that Kanya rasi is not afflicted. But other factors are sufficiently strong to produce the disease like dyspepsia.                                                                                                    Click Here  

Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea and Cholera – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt

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