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How to Cast Horoscope – Complete tutorials to create horoscope

How to Cast Horoscope – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt  

Chart No. 1 is the Savya Rasi Chart. The direction should be taken in the clockwise. Chart No. 2 is the Apasavya Rasi chart, Count the signs in the anticlockwise direction. Chart No. 3 is Apasavya Rasi chart in different structure. Astrological Journals are widely using Chart No. 1. There are 12 signs in every Rasi chart. The signs are called Rasis. In all the three charts sign No. 1 is Arias by name. Sign No. 2 is Tarus. Sign No. 3 is Germini Sign No. 4 is Cancer, Sign No. 5 is Leo. Sign No. 6 is Virgo, Sign No. 7 is Libra. Sign No. 8 is Scorpio. Sign No. 9 is Sagittarius. Sign No. 10 is Capricorn. Sign No, 11 is Aquarius. Sign No. 12 is Pisces. Mars’ own sign are Aries and Scorpio. Aries is his Moolatrikona sign. Venus’ own signs are Taurus and Libra. Libra is his Moolatrikona sign.

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Mercury’s own signs are Gemini and Virgo. Jemini is his Moolatrikona sign. Cancer is Moon’s own sign Her Moolatrikona sign is Taurus. Leo is Sun’s own sign and also his Moolatrikona sign.

Jupiter’s own signs are Sagittarius and Pisces. His Moolatrikona sign is Sagittarius. Saturn’s own signs are Capricorn and Aquarius, His Moolatrikona sign is Aquarius.

The 12 signs contain the stars as follows —

Aries: – Aswini + Bharani + 1st pada of Krittika:

Taurus: – 2nd, 3rd, 4th padas of Krittika + Rohini + 1st or 2nd padas of Mrugasira.

Gemini: – 3rd, 4th Padas of Mrugasira + Arudra + 1st, 2nd, 3rd Padas of Punarvasu.

Cancer: – 4th Pada of Punarvasu + Pushyami + Aslesha.

Leo: – Makha + Poorwaphalguni + 1st Pada of Uttara.

Virgo: – 2nd, 3rd, 4th Padas of Uttara + Hasta + 1st, 2nd Padas of Chitta.

Libra: – 3rd, 4th Padas of Chitta + Swati + 1st, 2nd, 3rd Padas of Visakha,

Scorpio: – 4th Pada of Visakha + Anuradha + Jyeshta.

Sagittarius: – Moola + Poorwashadha + 1st Pada of Uttarashadha.

Capricorn: – 1st, 2nd, 3rd Padas of Uttarashadha + Sravana + 1st, 2nd Padas of Dhanishta.

Aquarius: – 3rd, 4th Padas of Dhanishta + Satabhisha + 1st, 2nd, 3rd Padas of Poorwabhadra

Pisces: – Poorwabhadra 4th Pada + Uttarabhadra+Revati

The space of every sign is 30° or 9 Padas, with this knowledge we can know in which sign the planet took its position. The above data helps us in this matter.

How to erect Navamsa Chart and Upa Navamsa chart:—Every Rasi is divided into 9 equal parts. Every such part is called a Navamsa occupying a space of 3°-20′. Note the number of the pada in a sign where the planet is posited. If the planet is posited in fiery signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) count from Aries till the noted number of the pada. That sign must be the Navamsa sign position of the planet in the Navamsa chart. Similarly when a planet is posited in Earthy signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) count the number of the padas from Capricorn. If the planet is posited in Airy signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) count the number of the padas from Libra. If the planet is posited in watery signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) count the number of padas from Cancer. Just like the Rasi is divided into 9 equal parts. Every Navamsa can be divided into 9 equal parts called Upa Navamsas. Just like we erected Navamsa Chart, on the same basis Upa Navi.nisa chart can be erected. The space of every Upa Navamsa is 22 Liptas, 13 viliptas, 20 Sookshma liptas. By using the following Navamsa and Upa Navamsa Table No. I, we can easily erect Navamsa and Upa Navamsa charts.

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Upa Pada No.SpaceFiery signsEarthy signsAiry SignsWatery Signs
10-22-13- 201-110-107-74-4
41-28-53-201- 410-17-104-7
176-17 46-40,2-511-28-115-8
186-40 00-CO2-611-38-125-9
207-24 26-403-812-59-26-11
228-8 53-203-1012-79-46-1
269-37-46-403- 212-119-86-5
2710-00-00-003- 312-129-96-6
2810-22-13-204- 41-110-107-7
2910-44-26-404- 51-210-117-8
3011- 6-40-004- 61-310-127-9
3111-28 53-204- 71- 410-17-10
3211-51- 6-404- 81-.510-27-11
3312-13-20-004- 91-610-37-12
3412-35-33-204-101-710- 47-1
3512-57-46-404-111- 810- 57- 2
3613-20-00-004-121-910- 67- 3
3713-42-13-205-12-1011- 78- 4
3814-4-26-405- 22-1111-88- 5
3914 -26-40-005- 32-1211- 98- 6
4014 -48-53-205-42- 111-108-7
4115 -11- 6-405- 52- 211-118- 8
4215 -33-20-005- 62- 311-128- 9
4315 -55-33-205-72- 411-18-10
4416-17 46-405-82-511-28-11
4516 -40-00-005- 92-611-38-12
4617- 2-13-206-103-712- 49- 1
4717-24-26-406-113-812- 59-2
4817-46-40-006-123- 912- 69-3
4918 8-53-206-13-1012- 79-4
5018 -31- 6-406-23-1112- 89-5
5118 -53.20-006-33-1212- 99- 6
5219 -15 33-206-43-112-109-7
5319 -37 46-406-53-212-119-8
5420-00-00-006-63- 312-129-9
5620-44 26-407-84-51-210-11
5821-28-53-207-104- 71- 410-1
5921-51- 6-407-114- 81- 510-2
6022-13-20-007-124- 91- 610-3
6122-35-33-207-14-101- 710-4
6222-57-46-407-24-111- 810-5
6323-20-00-007- 34-121-910-6
6423-42-13-208- 45-12-1011- 7
6524-4-26-408- 55- 22-1111- 8
6624-26-40-008- 65-32 -1211-9
6725-48-53-208- 75- 42- 111-10
6825-11-6-408- 85- 52-211-11
6925 -33-20-008- 95- 62-311-12
7025-55-33-208 -105- 72- 411-1
7126-17-46-408-115- 82- 511-2
7226-40-00-008-125- 92- 611-3
7327- 2-13-209- 16-103- 712-4
7427-24.26-409-26-113- 812-5
7527-46 40-009- 36-123-912-6
7628- 8-53-209-46- 13-1012-7
7728-31- 6-409- 56- 23-1112-8
7828-53-20-009-66- 33-1212-9
7929-15-33-209-76- 43-112-10
8029-37-46-409-86- 53-212-11
8130-00-00-009- 96- 63-312-12

In the above table, number 1 represents the Sign Aries and 12 represent Pisces. Thus 1 to 12 represents the signs from Aries to Pisces.

Calculation of the Ascendant:—

See the East from a hill. We will find the joint point of the sky and the earth. That point tells the lagna or ascendant. At the time of birth, the sign that is rising at the above mentioned eastern point is the name of the ascendant. The zodiac (12 signs) revolves on its axis once in a day from east to west. Every day at the time of the Sunrise in the east the first rising sign will be the same sign where the Sun is moving in the zodiac. Certain periods of time are allotted to every Rasi at particular Latitude. Thisis called ‘Rasi, Pramana or sputa lagnas. This Rasi Pramana will be changed depending upon the latitude of the birth place. These Rasi Pramanas are given in the Table No. 2 at various latitudes (see last pages of this book). Similarly the Sun rise at various latitudes can be known from the concerned Almanacs. The Rasi Pramena of Aries is 4 Ghadias or Ghatikas and 19 vighadias. One hour is equal to two ghadias and 30 vighadias. The Sun takes rays 30 days to traverse this sign. The Rasi Pramana divided by thirty gives the bhukti period (traversed) of the Rasi Pramana on an average in every day. These traversed periods arc called bhukties. These bhukties are given from Sun Rise to Sun Rise in the Almanacs (Panchangas). For Aries at 18°-7′ Last, the Rasi Pramana is 4-19 Viiihadias. Divide this by 30. We get 8′-38″. Thus on the 1st day the bhukti is 8′-38″. In the 2nd day it will be 17′-16″. In the 3rd day it will be 25’-54″. Thus it ends with 4-19 vighadias. This is called Surya Sankaramana bhukti.

Cast Horoscope

      Cast Horoscope

Take the time of birth at a place. Convert the I.S.T. of birth into L. M. T. Deduct the L.M.T Sun Rise of that place from the L.M T birth time. The difference is hours and minutes. Multiply these hours and minutes by 2 1/2 ghadias. We get the birth time in ghadias and vighadias from the sun rise time. That is called Suryodayadi Janana Kala. Take the difference of the bhukties (Surya Sankramana bhukti) on the day of birth and the next day. Multiply the difference of the two bhukties by bired time ghaias and vighadias and divide that product by 60 ghadias which is the total duration of a day? Thus we get actual Surya Sankaramana bhukti for the birth time. Deduct this actual bhukti from the Rasi Pramana where the Sun is moving at the time of birth. These are the remaining ghadias to be traversed by the Sun, To this remainder add the next sign pramana. Thus go on adding the next Rasi Pramanas till the total reaches a maximum ghadias which can be subtracted from the birth time ghadias. The remainder is the bhukti of the next sign other than the added signs so far. This next sign is the ascendant. Take the Rasi Pramana of the ascendant. Divide that by 9. Find the number of Navamsa where the bhukti falls. With that number pada we can place the lagna in the Navamsa chart from the Table No. 1.

Lagna point in degrees and minutes: – Multiply the lagna bhukti by 30°. Divide the product by lagna Rasi Pramana; we get lagna in degrees and minutes.

Illustration: — Born at 18°-7′ North Latitude and 83°-26′ East longitude on 18-10-1928 at 11-58-34 seconds P. M.

The following data is furnished below from the Nirayana Surya Siddhanta Almanac (Panchanga). On 18-10-1928 Sun Rise L. M. T. is 6-11 mts. On that day Surya Sankaramana bhukti at the time of Sun Rise is 0-12-56 ghadias. On 19-10-1928 Sankramana bhukti at the time of Sun Rise is 0-23-27 ghadias Rasi Pramanas at that latitude are as follows — Aries – 4 – 19, Taurus – 4 – 59, Gemini – 5 – 31, Cancer – 5 – 32, Leo – 5 – 18, Virgo-5-14, Libra-5-26, Scorpio-5-36, Sagittarius-5-20, Capri-corn -4-40, Aquarius -4-7, Pisces -3-58. On 16-10-1928 Sun entered Chitta 3rd Pada at 48-29 ghadias, on 20-10-28 Sun entered Chitta 4th Pada at 9-23 ghadias On 17-10-1928 the Moon entered Jyeshta at 41-41 ghadias, on 18-10-28 the Moon entered Moola at 48-23 ghadias3on 18-10-28 Mars entered Arudra 3rd Pada at 42-51 ghadias, on 30-10-28 Mars entered Arudra 4th Pada at 21-11 ghadias, on 14-10-28 Mercury entered Swati Ist Pada by Retrogression at 16-12 ghadias) on 18-10-28 Mercury entered Chitta 4th Pada by retrogression at 47-33, gbadias, on 14-10-28 Jupiter entered Bharani 1st Pada by Retrogression at 11-45 ghadias, on 7-11-28 Jupiter entered Aswini 4th Pada by Retrogression at 43-8 ghadias, on 18-10-28 Venus entered Visakha 4th Pada at 7-25 ghadias, on 20-10-28 Venus entered Anuradha 1st Pada at 51-7 ghadias, on 8-10-28 Saturn entered Jyeshta 2nd pada at 29-21 ghadias, by Rujugathi, on 11-11-28 Saturn entered Jyeshta 3rd Pada at 29-27 ghadaias, on 25-8-28 Rahu entered R ohini 1st Pada and Kethu entered Anuradba 3rd Pada at 29-36 ghadias, on 27-10-28 Rahu entered Kruttika 4th Pada and Kethu entered Anuradha 2nd Pada at 20-38 ghadias.

Birth time on 18-10-28 is 11-58-34 P. M., L. M. T.

Deduct Sun Rise on that day 6-11-0

Remainder is 17-47-34 hours multiply it by 2⅟2 (1 hr= 2⅟2 ghadias) = 44-28-55 ghadias. This is called Suryodayadi Janana Kala ghadias = say 44-29 on 19-10-28 Sankramana bhuLti at Sun Rise is 0-23-47 ghadias on 18 10-28 the bhukti at Sun Rise is 0-12-56 ghadias, Difference of the above two bhukties is 0-10-51 ghadias. Multiply this by birth time ghadias and divide the product by 60 ghadias = 0-8-2 ghadia. Add this to the bhukti on 18-10-28 = (0-12-56) (0-8-2) = 0-20-58 ghadiass. This is the actual bhukti at birth time. The Sun was moving in Libra at birth time. So Rasi Pramana of Libra is 5-26-0 gs.

Deducting the above actual bhukti                                                                           —                           0-20-58

Balance of Libra                                —                 5- 5- 2

Add the next sign Pramana Scorpio         —                           0

Sagittarius           —                           5-20- 0

Capricorn             —                           4-40- 0

Aquarius              —                           4- 7- 0

Pisces                    —                           3-58_ 0

Aries                      —                           4-19- 0

Taurus                  —                           4-59- 0

Gemini                 —                            5-31- 0

Total                      —                           43-35- 2

Birth time ghadias  —                       44-28-55

Subtract the above total   —             43-35- 2

Bhukti in the next sign Cancer is — 0-53-53

Therefore birth time ghadias fall in Cancer sign and traversed 0-53-53 ghadias in Cancer. This is called lagna bhukti and Cancer is the lagna. Rasi Pramana of Cancer is 5-32 ghadias. Dividing this Pramana of Cancer by 9, we get one Pada Pramana in Cancer = (5-32) 9 = 368/9 ghadias. The bhukti 0-53-53 gs show that the birth time fell in the 2nd pada. The 2nd pada in Cancer is Pushyami 1st pada.

To find the extent of Birth star: — Deduct the commencing time of the birth star from 60 ghadias and add to this remainder the ending time of the star. We get extent of the birth star. If a star commences and ends on the same date, deduct the date, deduct the commencement time from the ending time. That will be the duration of the star. If the births star comme-nces on the previous date and ends on the next date of the birth date, deduct the commencing time of the star from the 60 gadias and add 60 ghadias to the above remainder and add the ending time of the star on the next date of birth date. We get the extent of the birth star.

Calculation to find in which pada the Moon is placed at the time of birth: — On the birth date after getting birth time ghadias find from the Almanac which constellation begins before birth ghadias and which constellation begins after the time of birth ghadias. The duration between the beginning times of the above two constellations will be the duration of the birth star. Divide that extent of the birth star into equal four parts. Thus extent of a pada can be obtained, to the beginning time of the birth star add extent of pada one by one. Then find in which pada’s duration the birth time falls. Thus the particular pada of the birth star can be known.

Bhukti (elapsed time) of the birth star: –  If the birth star commences on the previous day of birth date and ends on the birth date, then deduct the birth time from the ending time of the star, This intervening time is the remainder of the star. Deduct this remainder from the duration of the star. We get bhukti of the star. If the birth star commences on the day of birth and enis on the next date, deduct the commencement time of the Star from birth time we get bhukti of the star. If the birth star commences on the birth date and ends on the same date, deduct the commencement time of the birth star from birth time. We get bhukti of the star. If the birth star commences on the previous day of birth date and ends on the next date of birth date, deduct the commencing time of the birth star from 60 ghadias and add to this remainder the birth ghadias. This total duration is the bhukti of the, star,

Reverting to the above illustration observe the following calculations —

His Birth star Jyeshta commenced on the previous clay of his birth date at 41-49 gs. Deduct this time from 60 gs, we get remainder on the previous day is                                                                                          18-11 gs

Add to this the ending time of the same star on the birth date.                                                                                 48-23   

Extent of Jyeshta                                                                                                                                                            66-34

Divide this by 4, we get duration of a pada                                                                                                   16-38 1/2

Commencement time of Jyeshta                                                                                                                              41-49

Add 1st pada                                                                                                                                                             16-38 1/2

58-27 1/2

Add 2nd pada duration                                                                                                                                             16-38 1/2

15- 6

Add 3rd pada duration                                                                                                                                              16-38 1/2

31-44 1/2

Add 4th pada duration                                                                                                                                              16-38 1/2


This is the 9th pada in the sign Scorpio. The remainder of the star on the previous day is                                16-11

Add to this birth ghadias                                                                                                                                              44-29

This is the bhukti of the star                                                                                                                                        62-40

Extent of Jyeshta                                                                                                                                                             66-34

Deduct the above bhukti of the star                                                                                                                        62-4C

Remainder of the star                                                                                                                                                    3-54

Dasa balance calculation: —

For duration of Jyeshta 66-34 gs, Mercury dasa period is 17 gs.

For the remainder of the star as 3-54 gs, what is the balance of Mercury’s dasa?

The birth time Mercury’s dasa balance is 17 x 3 – 54 =-66 — 34 = y 0 – 11 ms – 28 ds – 13 hrs – 28 mts. See in the above pages the data about planets given from the Almanac. Before the birth date sun entered Chitta 3rd pada, Jupiter entered Bharani Ist pada, Saturn entered Jyeshta .2nd pada, Rahu entered Rohini 1st pada and Kethu entered Anuradha 3rd pada. Therefore those positions of the above planets must be confir-med. Regarding Moon we calculated that the Moon took her position in Jyeshta 4th pada, On the date of birth Mars, Mercury and Venus entered the next padas. But Mars entered Arudra 3rd pada before the birth ghadias. Venus also entered Visakha 4th pada before the birth ghadias. So their positions must be confirmed. But Mercury entered Chitta 4th pada after the birth ghadias. Therefore his previous position in Swati 1st pada must be confirmed. Thus the positions of the planets at birth time are as follows —

Planet                                   Pada                                                      Star

Sun                                       3rd                                                         Chitta

Moon                                    4th                                                           Jyeshta

Mars                                     3rd                                                         Arudra

Mercury                               1st                                                           Swati (Retrogression)

Jupiter                                                 1st                                                           Bharani (do)

Venus                                   4th                                                           Visakha

Saturn                                   2nd                                                        Jyeshta (Rujugathi)

Rahu                                      1st                                                          Rohini

Kethu                                    3rd                                                         Anuradha

Lagna                                    1st                                                          Pushyami

See ‘Table No, I. Using this Table Rasi chakra ard Navamsa chakra and Upa Navamsa Chakra can be prepared.

Calculating planetary positions in decrees and minutes (Shapes and Liptas):—A planet moves from one pada to another. From the beginning and ending dates of the above movement of the planet we get duration of time to traverse a pada of a star. Take the duration of time from the beginning tine of the planet’s entrance into a pada till the birth time of a n.tive. A pada’s space is 200 mts. For duration of time to traverse one complete pada the space to be traversed in 200mts for the duration of time in that pada till birth time what will be the space to be traversed? Multiply the duration of time till birth time by 200″ and divide the product by the duration time taken to traverse the pada. Add to this the space of the previous padas in that sign this will be the exact position of the planet in that sign in degrees, minutes and seconds. They are called bhagas, liptas and Viliptas. In the case of a retro-grade planet and Rahu and Kethu subtract the space attained in the pada till birth time from the full space till the end of the pada (from zero to the end of the pada where the planet is moving in that sign) where the planet entered before the birth time.

Reverting to our Illustration observe the following calculations :— About Sun :- On 16th Oct. the Sun entered Chitta 3rd pada at 48-29 gs, On 20th Oct the Sun entered Chitta 4th pada at 9-23 gs. By deducting 48-29 from 60, we get remainder on Oct 16th = (60-0) – (48-29) =                         11-31 gs

17, 18, 19th of Oct. are three days to be added                                                                                  3-0-0

Add Sun’s entered time in Chitta 4th pada on 20th Oct.                                                                  0-9-23

Duration time to traverse Chitta 3rd pada                                                                                             3-20-54

The remainder time on 16th Oct. day from

The time of Sun’s entrance.                                                                                                                        0-11-31

Add 17th Oct. a full day                                                                                                                                     1-0-0

Add birth time on 18th Oct. the birth date                                                                                            0-44-29

Duration of time from Sun’s entry in 3rd Chitta till the birth time.                                               1-56-00

In 3 days 20 ghadias 54 vighadias the Sun traversed 200 minutes.

In 1 day 56 ghadias what will be the space that can be traversed by the Sun ? 115′ – 28″ = 1°- 55′ – 28″, Add to this the space in that sign till the end of the previous pada. There is no other pada previous to 3rd Chitta in Tula Rasi, So in Libra the Sun’s position is 1°- 55′ – 28″.

Moon :— Duration of Jyeshta in which the

Moon moves.                                                                                                                                                    66-34 gs

Bhukti of the star (duration of time till birth time)                                                                             62-40

For 66-34 gs duration of birth star the space to be traversed is                                                    800 mts.

For 62-40 gs bhukti of birth star what will be the space traversed by the Moon ? =800 x 62 — 40+66-34 = 753′ — 7″ =12°— 33’— 7″ Add to the above bhukti of Jyeshta, the space of the padas before Jyeshta, There are five padas. Total space of 5 padas is 16°-40′. Now Moon’s position in Scorpio is (12°-33′-7″) + (16°-40′) = 29 0-13 ‘— 7″.

Mercury under retrogression: – Mercury entered Swati 1st pada on 14th Oct at 16-12 gs. He entered Chitta 4th pada on 18th Oct. at 47-33 gs.

Remainder of Swati on 14th Oct day is (60-0) — (16-12) =43-43

Add to that, 3 days (15, 16, 17th Oct)                                                                                                       3-0-0-0

Add the time of entrance into Chitta 4th pada on 20th Oct.                                                          0-47-36

Duration of traversing one pada                                                                                                                4-31-21

Remainder of Swati on 14th Oct day                                                                                                        0-43-13 gs

Add 3 days (15, 16, 17th Oct) –                                                                                                                    3-00-00

Birth time on 18th Oct.                                                                                                                                  0-44-29

Duration of time till birth.                                                                                                                             4-28-17

from the entrance time of Mercury in Swati 1st pada.

In 4 days 31 ghadias 21 vighadias Mercury traversed space is 200 mts or liptas. In 4 days 28 ghadias 17 vighadias what will be the space to be traversed by Mercury -200 x 16097÷16281 = 197′-44″ 30-17′-44″. Deduct this from the total space of the padas in that sign including the pada where Mercury entered before birth date. That is in Libra from Chitta 3rd pada till Swati 1st pada, the total padas are three. Their duration is 10°. From 10 degrees space deduct the traversed space of 3° — 17′-44″ by Mercury under retrograde motion. Thus 10° minus 3° — 17′ – 44″ = 6° — 42′ — 16″ is the position of Mercury in Libra. If we work on these lines we get the planetary positions as birth time as follows —

Sun                        6s- 1° – 55′ – 28″

Moon                    7 -29 -13 – 7

Mars                      2 – 13 – 20 – 32

Merc                     6 – 6 -42 -16

Jupi                        0 – 16 – 2 – 54

Venus                   7 – 0 -45 -34

Saturn                   7 -21 – 0 -18

Rahu                      1 -11 -11 -32

Kethu                    7 -11 -11 -32

Lagna                   3 – 4 -52 – 8

Lagna position in degrees: –

Cancer Lagna Pramana is                                                                                                              –              5-32-0 gs

Lagna bhukti                                                                                                                                      –              0-53-53

For lagna Pramana of 5-32 gs, the space of the sign is 30°. For lagna bhukti of 0-53-53 gs, what will be the space in that sign? = 30 x 0 – 53- 53 ÷ 5 – 32 – 0 = 3233 ÷ 664 = 4° – 52′ – 8″. The rule is dividing the lagna bhukti by Rasi Pramana of that lagna and multiplies it by 30. The result will be lagna in degrees etc in that sign.

In some panchangas the planet’s position in degrees and minutes is not given at the time of vakra Arambha and Vakratyaga (commencing time of retrogression’ and ending time of retrogression. In such a case how can we calculate a planet’s position in degrees -and minutes when the birth takes place before and after retrogression and before and after Vakratyaga? Take the following, rough. Assumptions in case of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. A planet moving from the beginning of a pada till the commencement ‘ of retro-gression the assumptions are as follows.

Mars moves a space of 1728″ within the time of 33181 Vighadias. Mercury moves a space of 3215″ within a time of 13321 Vigitadias. Jupiter moves a space of 6751″ within the time of 1, 27, 931. Vighadias, Venus moves a space of 8664″ within a time of 41849 Vig, Saturn moves a space of 5064″ within a time of 153600 Vig. A planet under retrogression (backward motion) moving from the ending point of a pada (like Rahn and Kethu) till Vakratvaga the assumptions are as follows Mars moves a space of 792″ within a time of 17470 Vig, Mercury moves a space of 9395″ within a time of 21075 Vig, Jupiter moves a space of 5486″ within a time of 116303 Vig, Venus moves a space of 2556,” within a time of 19980 Vig, Saturn moves a space of 1446″ within a time of 93135 Vig, Those are assumed constants in the absence of knowledge about mathematical astronomy.

Illustration: – Born on 3-6-81 at 58-40 vig, what will be Mercury’s position in degrees. Born on 10-6-81 at vig, what will be Mercury’s position in degrees from the following Panchanga data – on 2-6-1981 Mercury entered AreLlra 2nd pada at 58-40 Vig. On 9-6-31 Mercury retrogrades at 28-29 vig. On 16-6-81 Mereury by retrogression entered Anudra 1st pada at 17-57 vig. The 1st parson took his birth before retrogression of Mercury and the 2nd person was born after retrogression of Mercury.

From the given data from Mercury’s entry into Arudra 2nd pada till the commencement time of his retrograde motion the time taken is 6 days 29 ghadias 49 vig = 23389 vig, Taking the above assumed constants of. Mercury, Mercury in 13321 vig moves a space of 3215″. Mercury in 23389 vig. what will be the space that he can move ? 3215 x 23389÷13321 = 5645″ = 1°-34′ – 5″. In Arudra 2nd pada the space traversed by Mercury is 5645″ till the commencement of retrogression (Vakra Arambha). From Mercury’s entrance in Arudra 2nd pada till the 1st native’s birth time the duration of time is 60 ghadias. That is 3600 vig. Within 23389 vig. Mercury traversed 5645″. Within 3600 vig. What space will be traversed by Mercury? = 5645 x 3600 + 23389 = 14′ – 29″. Till the end of Arudra 1st pada the spice is 10°. Add 14′ – 29″ to 10°. The position of Mercury at the birth time of the 1st native is 10°-14′-29″ in Gemini.

In the case of 2nd native: – From Vakra Arambha Kala till entering Arudra 1st pada by retrogression the time taken to Mercury is 6 days 49 Ghadias 28 Vig = 24568 Vig. It means in 24568 Vig space traversed by Mercury is 5645″. From Vakra Arambha till his birth time, the duration of time is 3600 Vig. Then what will be the space traversed by Merc within 3600 Vig time = 5645 x 3600 ÷24568=827″=I3′-47”. Now deduct 13′ – 47″ from 5645” = 5645 – 827 = 4818″ = 1°-20′-18″. This is the position by Merc till birth tizae in Arudra 2nd pada. Add to this, 100 which is the space till Arudra 1st pada in Gemini. So the position of Merc at the birth time of the 2nd native is 11°- 20′- 18″ in Gemini.

Illustration: – Born on 30th June at 38-38 Vig and the 2nd born on 4th July at 32-30 Vig. What will be Mercury’s position at the birth times from the following Panchanga data? On 29-6-81 Mercury (Re) entered Mrugasira 3rd Pada at 38-38 Vig, on 3-7-1981 Vakratyaga (end of Retrogression) took place at 32-30 Vig. On 7-7-81 Merc (Ruju gati) entered Mrugasira 4th pada at 17-59 Vig. The first native took his birth before vakra-tyaga and the 2nd native was born after Vakratyaga, From the given data from Marc’s entry into Mrugasira 3rd pada by retrograde motion till Vakratyaga the time taken is 3 days 53 Gs. 52 Vig = 14032 Vig. Taking the above assumed constants of Merc, Merc in 21075 Vig time moves a space of 9395.” Merc in 14032 Vig. time what space can be traversed by him ? = 9395 x 14032 + 21075 = 6255′ = 1° —44′ — 15″. From the end of Mrugasira 3rd pada till Vakratyaga. the backward space traversed by Merc is 1° 44′ —15″. Deduct this from 3° — 20′ (Mercury’s position in Gemini on 29-6-81 at 38-38 Vig,) = I° 35′ – 45″. At the time of Vakratyaga Merc is posited at 1° 35′ —45″ in Mrugasira 3rd pada or in Gemini. From Merc’s entrance in Mrugasira 3 pada till 1st native’s birth, the time is 3600 Vig. (one day). Mere in 14032 Vig from his entrance in Chitta 3rd pada till Vakratyaga, the space traversed is 6255″. Merc in 3600 Vig. (till birth time of 1st native) what will be the space traversed by Merc = 6255 x 360 14032 = 1576″ 26, — 16″. At the time of Merc’s entry in Chitta 3rd pada his position in Gemini is at 3° —20′. If you deduct 1576″ the backward movement till birth time from 3° —20′, the actual Position of Merc will be obtained. Thus Merc’s position is at 2° _ 44″ in Gemini.

Regarding 2nd native : — From the time of Vakratyaga till Merc’s entrance into Mrugasira 4th pada under Rujugati the time taken to Merc is 3 days 45 Gs. 29 Vig = 13529 Vig. We know Merc’s position at the time of Vakratyaga is 1°-35′ _45″ =5745″. This space will be traversed by Merc within 13529 Vig. From Vakratyaga time till birth of the 2nd native the time is a day or 3600 Vig. So in 135 29 Vig, space traversed by Mere is 5745″. In 3630 Vig, what space will be traversed by Merc? = 5745 x 3600 +135 29 = 1528″ = 25′ — 28″, Add this to Merc’s position (1° — 35’— 45″) at the time of Vakratyaga 2° — 1′ — 13″. So Mercury’s position at the birth time of the 2nd native is 2° — 1′ —13″ in Gemini.


A thought flashed in my mind to discover mind dasas and made me to construct Upa Rasi Chart. In Indian astrology the sages gave a clue about vimshottari division of dasa into bhukties etc. This is regarding division of time. They gave that every star got a dasa period in years. Taking this clue from the sages I divided every star into 27 divisions in pro-portfon of triplicate Vimshottari system of dasas. I called that Triplicate Vimshottari system of division of a star, as Upataras (mini stars). Thus mini dasas are attained. Then how to construct Upa Rasi Chart? We know a Rasi Chart must have 12 signs, must have 27 stars and 108 star padas. Without disturbing the star zones, the only scope available to construct Upa Rasi Chart is as follows.

Divide every Upatara into equal 4 padas. Thus Aswini star got 27 Upataras and 108’Upatara padas. We know every sign consists of 2 1/4stars. Thus every Upa Rasi must contain 2 Upataras. Thus Aswini Upatara+ Bharani Upatara + 1st pada of Krittika Upatara become the 1st Aries sign of Upa Rasi Chart. On that basis Aswini star became 12 signs of Upa Rasi Zodiac starting from Aries Upa Rasi and ending with Pisces Upa Rasi. Thus every star became 12 signs of Upa Rasi Zodiac. The Bharani Zodiac commences with Bharani Upatara and Aries Upa Rasi. Bharani star ends with Aswini Upatara and Aries Upa Rasi. Kruttika Zodiac commences with Kruttika Upatara and Aries Upa Rasi. Kruttika star ends with Bharani Upatara and Aries Upa Rasi. Rohini Zodiac commences with Rohini Upatara and Taurus Upa Rasi. Rohini star ends with Kruttika Upatara and Taurus Upa Rasi. Mrugasira Zodiac commences with Mrugasira Upatara and Taurus Upa Rasi Mrugasira star ends with Rohini Upatara and Taurus Upa Rasi. Arudra Zodiac starts with Arudra Upatara and Gemini Upa Rasi. Arudra star ends with Mrugasira Upatara and Gemini Upa Rasi. Punarvasu Zodiac begins with Punarvasu star and Gemini Upa Rasi. Punarvasu star ends with Arudra Upa-tara and Gemini Upa Rasi, Pushyami Zodiac commences with Pushyami Upatara and Cancer Upa Rasi. Pushyami star ends with Punarvasu Upatara and Cancer Upa Rasi Aslesha Zodiac starts with Aslesha Upatara and Cancer Upa Rasi. Aslesha star ends with Pushyami Upatara and Cancer Upa Rasi. Thus we can prepare for the remaining 18 stars. But it is not necessary. Aswini, Makha and Moola stars are posited in the trinal houses as 1st star. Thus every star got trinal positions in the trinal houses without change of degrees. From the table of first 9 stars we can prepare Upa Rasi Chart.

If a planet is posited in Aries Aswini star and posited in Taurus Upa Rasi, place the planet in Taurus Upa Rasi in the Upa Rasi Chart. If the planet is posited in Leo Makha star and posited in Taurus Upa Rasi from the first 9 stars Table, the planet shall not be placed in Taurus Upa Rasi, to the sign Aries, Leo is the 5th sign. So the 5th from Taurus is Virgo. Place the planet in Virgo Upa Rasi. If the planet is posited in Sagittarius Moola star and posited in Taurus Upa Rasi from the same Tables, the planet shall not be placed in Taurus Upa Rasi. Sagittarius is the 9th from Aries, so the 9th from Taurus is Capricorn. So the planet shall be placed in Capricorn Upa Rasi. Thus by observing the star, Rasi position of the Zodiac, judge whether the planet is to be placed in the Upa Rasi as obtained by the Tables or to place it in the trinal Upa Rasis. This is the method to be observed while casting Upa Rasi chart. Upa Upa Rasi Chart can also be prepared on the same basis

This is the Upa Rasi Chart of the main illustration Horo-scope. See in the above pages the degree positions of the planets and lagna. Lagna falls in Saturn star in Cancer sign, See Upa Rasi Table No. III in the last pages. Lagna degrees fall in Leo Upa Rasi; So Leo is the ascendant in the Upa Rasi Chart. Sun is posited in Chitta star. From the Tables see Mars star. Sun’s degree position falls in Capricorn. But Chitta star falls in 5th sign to Jemini Taruga-sira. So the 5th sign to Capricorn is Taurus, So place Sun in Taurus Upa Rasi. Moon is posited in Jyeshta star. See the Tables Aslesha Zodiac. Moonls position (degree position) falls in Cancer Upa Rasi. But Jyeshta is posited in the 5th sign from Cancer Aslesha, so the 5th sign to Cancer is Scorpio Up.: Rasi. So place the Moon in Scorpio Upa Rasi. Mars is posited in Anuradha Star. See the Tables. Mars degree position falls in Scorpio Upa Rasi. Arudra is a star of the Tables. So place the planet in Scorpio Upa Rasi, Mercury is posited in Swati star. See Arudra Zodiac. Mercury’s degree position falls in Jemini Upa Rasi. But Swati belonged to the Eth sigh from Jemini Arudra. So place Merc in the 5th from Jemini Upa Rasi. That is to place Merc in Libra Upa Rasi. Jupiter is posited in Bharani star. See Bharani Zodiac in the Tables. Jupiter’s degree position falls in the Cancer Upa Rasi. As the Star, where Jupiter is posited, is the same Bharani, place. Jupiter in Cancer Upa Rasi. Proceed on those lines and we get the above planetary positions as shown in the Upa Rasi Chart,

Casting Upa Rasi- Navamsa Chart: — After inventing Upa Rasi Chart, a thought flashed in my mind to prepare Upa Rasi – Navamsa Chart. Every Upatara is divided by me into four equal parts. The 1st pada of Aswini Upatara is placed in sign Aries, the 2nd pada in Taurus, the 3rd pada in Cemihi and the 4th pada in Cancer. Thus one by one Upatara padhs are placed from Aries to Pisces. In the tables the right side, sign denoted by number indicates Upa Rasi Navamsa sign. With the help of the Tables we can easily prepare such Navamsa Chart.

Every star is allotted a space of 800 mts in the Zodiac. Divide this by 360 and multiply the quotient by the allotted Vimshottari system of dasas of the planets. We get Upataras.

Next Upatara will be Makha and thus the last Upatara ends with Revati Upatara. Divide all the 27 Upataras into four equal parts. Every such part is an Upatara pada. Thus the following

are Upatara padas —

Take the main illustration. Planetary degree positions. Upa Rasi – Navamsa chart of theabove illustratic is as  under. Sun is posited in Chitta star. That is Sat Mars Star So in the Tables in Mars’ star Mrugasira Sun’s degree occupation Navamsa falls, in Sagittarius Amsa. So place the Sun in Sagittarius sign. Simply by seeing the star pus i-tions of lagna and planets, find the degrees held by them in those concerned stars. We get Amsa sign. This is the method of erecting Upa Rasi Navamsa Chart.


The sages gave various Amsa Charts and coustructicon methods, Shodasa Amsa Vargas are there. I did not make necessary research in those amsa charts by using, my discovered rules of Astrology. Therefore I can not say about IR e scientific value of those charts. All charts (all divisions of a Rasi, all vargas of a Rasi including new divisions) can not be scientific. I conducted research over 300th division minute Amsa Chart. It gave me satisfaction to some extent regarding scientific to some extent regarding scientific nature.


Every Rasi got a space of 1800′. Divide that by 300 equal parts, you get 6′ of Arc. Place the 1st Amsa of 6′ in Aries sign. From 6′ to 12′ amsa portion will be placed in Taurus. The last division falls in Pisces sign. See Table No. IV in the last pages. In any Rasi see the degrees position held by the Planet. Against that degree find the Amsa sign in the Tables. Simply place that planet in that sign in the Nadi Amsa Chart,

According to the Tables this chart is easily erected.

MAJOR DASAS AND THEIR SUB DIVISION Of all the planets the Moon is the swift moving planet, so the sages took the lord of the star held by the Moon at the time of birth this lord’s dasa period will be the 1st major period from the birth date. The major dasas pass one by one according to the cyclic order of the dasas of Vimshottari. For example if Venus dasa starts at the birth time, after the close of Venus dasa balance, Sun’s dasa of 6 years will commence. After this, Moon’s dasa will commence. Thus they pass away one by one according to the cyclic order of Vimshottari, Vimsho-ttari means 120. The total numbers of years allotted to the 9 planets are 120. This is the Paramayu of a human being(full term of longevity).

In 120 years the ratio of every planet is as follows: —

Sun        6/120 = 1/20                                                       Saturn                   19/120

Moon    10/120 = 1/12                                                     Merc                     17/120

Mars      7/120                                                                     Kethu                    7/120

Rahu      18/120 = 3/20                                                     Venus 20/120 = 1/6

Jupiter 16/120 = 2/15

Call them as planets’ dasa ratio constants, Bhukti of a planet can be obtained by multiplying the dasa period by his dasa ratio constant. If we want Sun’s bhukti in Sun’s dasa take the dasa period of the Sun as 6 years. Multiply 6 years by the Sun’s dasa ratio constant (1/20), we get bhukti of Sun- 6× 1/20=6/20 years -0 – 3 – 18 ds. If we want Moon’s bhukti in Sun dasa, multiply Sun’s dasa of 6 ys by the Moon’s Dasa ratio constant (1/12) we get Moon’s bhukti = 6 x 4/19 = 0 – 6-0 ds.

Every bhukti period can be divided into Vidasas by multiplying any bhukti period by the dasa ratio constant o the required Vidasa period planet If we want Sun’s Vidasa in Sun’s own bhukti period of 0 – 3- 18 days, multiply the bhakti by 1/20 which is the Sun’s dasa ratio constant. Thus we get Vidasa of the Sun = 0-3-18 x1/20=108÷20 days= 0 – 0— 5-9-36 minutes.

Similarly every Vidasa period can be divided into Sookshma dasa periods by multiplying any Vidasa period by the Dasa ratio constant of the required Sookshma dada period planet. Similarly every Sookshma dasa period can be divided into Prana dasas by multiplying any Sookshma Jasa period by the Dasa ratio constant of the required Prana dasa period planet,


Every Major dasa is divided by me into 27 Upatara periods in proportion of triplicate Vimshottari Dasas. Thus the Dasa ratio constant of every planet is as follows —

Sun                        6/360 = 1/60                                       Saturn                   19/360

Moon                    10/360= 1/36                                      Mercury               17/360

Mars                      7/360                                                     Kethu                    7/360

Rahu                      18/360 = 1/20                                     Venus                   20/360=1/18

Jupiter                  16/360 = 2/45

Multiply a dasa period by the Dasa ratio constant of the required Upatara period planet. We get Upatara period. If we want Venus Upatara period in Venus Dasa, multiply 20 years of Venus dasa by his Dasa ratio constant 1/18. Then we get Venus Upatara period = 20 x 1/18ys = 1 yr -1 m-10 ds.

It we want Venus Upa Upatara period in Venus Upatara Period, multiply Venus Upatara period of 1-1-10 days by 1/18. We get Venus Upa Upatara (sub mini dasa in a mini dasa) period = 1-1 — 10 x 1/18= 22 ds, 5 hrs, 20 mts. Venus dasa Venus bhukti period is ys 3-4-0 ds. Venus Upatara period in Venus dasa 1-1-10 ds. Note Venus Upatara period, is 1/3rd of Venus bhukti in Venus dasa. So Upatara period of a planet will be 1/3rd bhukti period of the same planet. Venus Upatara bhukti (Sub period in a mini dasa) in Venus Upatara period (mini dasa) can be obtained as calculated in the case of bhukties of major dasas by using dasa ratio constant. Thus Venus Upa-tara bhukti period =1-1-10 x 1/8= 2 ms – 6 days – 16 hrs. On the same basis, vidasas, Sookshma Dasas, Prana dasas. Can be obtained in an Upatara period.

In a dasa period there are 9 bhukti periods and 27 Upatara periods. As such in every bhukti period there will be same Upataras. Observe the following Table to know which Upatara periods are there in every bhukti period of the nine major dasas —


Sun’s Dasa:

Bhukties              :               Upataras

Sun                        :               Sun, Moon, Mars

Moon                    :               Mars, Rahu, Jupiter

Mars                      :               Jupiter, Saturn

Rahu                      :               Saturn, Merc, Kethu, Venus, Sun

Jupiter                  :               Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter

Saturn                   :               Jupiter, Saturn, Merc, Kethu, Venus

Mercury               :               Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu

Kethu                    :               Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn

Venus                   :               Saturn, Merc, Kethu, Venus

Moon’s Dasa:

Moon                    :               Moon, Mars, Rahu

Mars                      :               Rahu, Jupiter

Rahu                      :               Saturn, Merc, Kethu, Venus

Jupiter                  :               Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu

Saturn                   :               Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Merc, Kethu

Mercury               :               Kethu, Venus, Sun. Moon, Mars, Rahu

Kethu                    :               Rahu, Jupiter

Venus                   :               Jupiter, Saturn, Merc, Kethu, Venus

Sun                        :               Venus, Sun

Mars Dasa:

Mars                      :               Mars, Rahu

Rahu                      :               Rahu, Jupi, Sat, Merc

Jupiter                  :               Merc, Kethu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars

Saturn                   :               Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn

Mercury               :               Merc, Kethu, Venus, Sun, Moon

Kethu                    :               Moon, Mars, Rahu

Venus                   :               Rahu, Jupi, Saturn, Merc

Sun                        :               Merc, Kethu, Venus

Moon                    :               Venus, Sun, Moon

Rahu Dasa:

Rahu                      :               Rahu, Jupi, Sat, Merc

Jupiter                  :               Merc, Kethu, Venus, Sun

Saturn                  :               Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupi, Saturn

Mercury               :               Sat, Mere, Kethu, Venus

Kethu                    :               Venus, Sun, Moon

Venus                   :               Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupi, Saturn

Sun                        :               Saturn, Merc

Moon                    :               Merc, Kethu, Venus, Sun

Mars                      :               Sun, Moon, Mars

Jupiter’s Dasa:

Jupiter                  :               Jupiter, Saturn, Merc

Saturn                   :               Merc, Kethu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu

Merc                     :               Rahu, Jupi. Saturn, Merc

Kethu                   :               Merc, Kethu

Venus                   :               Kethu, Ven, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu

Sun                        :               Rahu, Jupiter

Moon                    :               Jupiter, Saturn, Merc

Mars                      :               Merc, Kethu, Venus

Rahu                      :               Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu

Saturn’s Dasa:

Saturn                   :               Saturn, Merc, Kethu, Venus

Merc                     :               Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupi

Kethu                    :               Jupiter, Saturn

Venus                   :               Saturn, Merc, Kethu, Ven, Sun

Sun                        :               Moon, Mars, Rahu

Moon                    :               Rahu, Jupiter

Mars                      :               Jupiter, Saturn

Rahu                      :               Saturn, Merc, Kethu, Ven, Sun, Moon

Jupiter                  :               Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter

Mercury’s Dasa:

Mercury               :               Merc, Kethu, Venus, Sun, Moon

Kethu                    :               Moon, Mars, Rahu

Venus                   :               Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Merc

Sun                        :               Merc, Kethu, Venus

Moon                    :               Venus, Sun, Moon

Mars                      :               Mars, Rahu

Rahu                      :               Rahu, Jupi, Saturn, Merc

Jupiter                  :               Merc, Kethu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars

Saturn                   :               Mars, Rahu, Jupi, Saturn

Kethu’s Dasa:

Kethu                    :               Kethu, Venus

Venus                   :               Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu

Sun                        :               Jupiter, Saturn

Moon                    :               Sat, Merc, Kethu, Venus

Mars                      :               Venus, Sun

Rahu                      :               Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter

Jupiter                  :               Sat, Merc, Kethu, Venus

Saturn                   :               Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupi

Merc                     :               Jupi, Saturn, Merc

Venus Dasa:

Venus                   :               Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu

Sun                        :               Rahu, Jupi, Saturn

Moon                    :               Saturn, Merc

Mars                      :               Merc, Kethu, Venus

Rahu                      :               Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupi

Jupiter                  :               Jupi, Sat, Merc

Saturn                   :               Merc, Kethu, Ven, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu

Merc                     :               Rahu, Jupi, Sat, Merc

Kethu                    :               Merc, Kethu.

How to Cast Horoscope – Astrologer Vinayak Bhatt  


  1. Gee wilelkirs, that’s such a great post!

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